Carly Mayer, PsyD

Director of Clinical Services

I am a clinical child psychologist specializing in the treatment of disruptive behavior, anxiety, and selective mutism. As a co-founder of Growing Minds Psychology, I wanted to create a warm, trusting environment in which our families feel both supported and challenged to reach outside of their comfort zones. I use a hands-on, action-oriented approach to help children and families identify their most important goals and find the route to reach those goals, step-by-step. I believe wholeheartedly in the value of honest communication and transparency to help each family face difficulties, together. With my expertise in child development and behavior and your knowledge of your own child, we can work together to best meet your needs. Through short-term, goal-focused treatment, I am dedicated to helping your family make real and lasting changes.

I have received extensive training in evidence-based assessment and treatment of both internalizing and externalizing disorders in childhood. Within supportive, trusting relationships, we can help children to both face their fears and do what they need to do, despite wanting otherwise. My training as both a school and clinical psychologist has helped me to effectively bring together the most important areas of a child’s life to support the entire child. I collaborate closely with parents and schools to be an ongoing resource for both and have extensive experience training teachers on how to make classrooms more effective spaces for learning. 

In my free time, I enjoy Pilates, dinners with friends, and family time in Central Park with our two kids and therapy dog, Remi.


  • Staff Psychologist & Director of Mighty Mouth Kids Camp, Kurtz Psychology Consulting, PC

  • Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Within-Agency Trainer & Certified Therapist

  • PCIT-SM (PCIT for Selective Mutism) Within-Agency Trainer & Certified Therapist

  • Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) provider

  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, Kurtz Psychology Consulting, PC

  • Clinical Internship, Scarsdale Middle School 


  • PsyD, School Psychology, St. John’s University 

  • BA, Psychology, University of Michigan