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Autism Myths & Misconceptions

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a diagnosis that has evolved over the years. There is now increased awareness and greater understanding of ASD. However, there continues to be several misconceptions about this diagnosis and some may not realize that there is a diversity of presentations associated with being on the spectrum. In this post, we have addressed some of the most common myths and questions related to ASD.

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Giving Good Directions to Kids: It’s Harder than it Sounds!

There are many moments throughout the day that require giving directions to kids. Parents need to make sure kids are safe, help them transition between activities, and ensure daily tasks are completed. The way we say directions or instructions matters and we want to make sure we are setting both ourselves and our kids up for success.

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Screen Time: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

For almost every family out there, screen time has increased over the past year. Some families feel like screen time has gotten out of hand and some just want to know how to make better choices about screens moving forward. So how can you decide what is best for your family?

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The Power of Praise

Praise is a powerful tool for parenting. It helps your child to learn, feel accepted, and build confidence. It seems simple to just tell your child you are proud of them, but there are actually ways to make your praise more effective.

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