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Family Accommodation and Anxiety

Accommodation is any change a parent makes to their own behavior to help kids avoid or lessen anxiety. Typically, these changes come from a caring and loving place, one where parents don’t want their kids to be distressed. In actuality, accommodation often shows kids that they cannot face their anxieties and they need others to step in to fix their problems. To figure out if accommodation plays a meaningful role in your family, ask yourself a few questions.

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The Conductor of the Brain: Executive Functions

You’re seated right near the stage, watching the conductor lead the orchestra with rhythmic motions, pointing to the string instruments, to the woodwinds, to the bass… Just as the conductors so fluidly guides the orchestra to create beautiful compositions of music, so does our Executive Function guide our everyday thoughts and behaviors. Simply put, our executive function skills are imperative to our daily activity and functioning in the world around us.

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Coping with Back to School Anxiety During COVID-19

Going back to school can be an exciting time for some students and their families, but can be a period of anticipation and worry for others. The latter has been the case for more students lately, as the last year and a half has changed the meaning of “back to school.” Feeling anxious about this upcoming change and the uncertainty of what school will look like this fall is typical. There are ways you can help your child cope and adjust with this upcoming change.

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MythBusters: Positive Parenting

Positive parenting programs have a large and meaningful evidence-base for helping parents manage problem behaviors. However, positive parenting is not widely understood by parents. Many parents assume that positive parenting means kids can do no wrong and that we reward them anyway. In fact, positive parenting is quite different. Positive parenting actually involves relationship building, using parental attention effectively, giving kids independence, using discipline appropriately, and providing a safe, secure, and consistent environment. Once parents understand what positive parenting really is, skepticism tends to dissipate.

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Giving Good Directions to Kids: It’s Harder than it Sounds!

There are many moments throughout the day that require giving directions to kids. Parents need to make sure kids are safe, help them transition between activities, and ensure daily tasks are completed. The way we say directions or instructions matters and we want to make sure we are setting both ourselves and our kids up for success.

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The What and Why of Neuropsychological Evaluations

If your child has had difficulties in school or you have concerns about their development, you have likely been referred for a neuropsychological evaluation. To many parents, this daunting, new recommendation has you imagining your child hooked up to machines for neurological imaging and observation. When in fact, these evaluations require no fancy machines and are often fun for kids. We want to answer common parent questions about these evaluations and clear up the confusion.

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Screen Time: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

For almost every family out there, screen time has increased over the past year. Some families feel like screen time has gotten out of hand and some just want to know how to make better choices about screens moving forward. So how can you decide what is best for your family?

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Selective Mutism Lingo: Understanding Treatment for SM

Selective Mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder characterized by consistent failure to speak in specific social situations. Kids with SM may struggle to speak at school, with adults, or with peers. They may have difficulty sharing personal information or making choices. Unfortunately, SM is not widely understood and neither are the important concepts that guide treatment for SM. Being a good consumer of treatment options will help you to be the best advocate for your child.

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Navigating Big Feelings Together

Kids are going to have big feelings. Whether they want to admit it or not, they still need so much help. Growing and developing is overwhelming, frustrating, and confusing for kids and parents alike, so how can you get through those tough moments together?

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School Lingo 101: Understanding Special Education

Many children require additional support in school for a variety of reasons. However, the education system can be difficult to navigate. Since parents are the primary advocate for their children, it is important to understand what is available, how to obtain services, and which services are appropriate for your child.

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