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Screen Time: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

For almost every family out there, screen time has increased over the past year. Some families feel like screen time has gotten out of hand and some just want to know how to make better choices about screens moving forward. So how can you decide what is best for your family?

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Positive Opposites: Guiding Child Behavior Effectively

When we are faced with behavioral challenges, it is easy to see the problem, but it is much harder to see the solution. Because we see a glaring problem, we might yell “stop!” or “don’t!” to get our child to change their behavior. The truth is: we want them to stop, but we really want our kids to show a more positive behavior.

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Selective Mutism Lingo: Understanding Treatment for SM

Selective Mutism (SM) is an anxiety disorder characterized by consistent failure to speak in specific social situations. Kids with SM may struggle to speak at school, with adults, or with peers. They may have difficulty sharing personal information or making choices. Unfortunately, SM is not widely understood and neither are the important concepts that guide treatment for SM. Being a good consumer of treatment options will help you to be the best advocate for your child.

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MythBusters: ADHD Edition

Having ADHD does not define a person and there are skills, strategies, and other interventions to help those with ADHD thrive. The way we like to look at it is that ADHD is a disorder of regulation: dysregulation of attention, dysregulation of impulsivity, dysregulation of emotions. Our job is to give these kids the strategies to be able to better regulate so they can do what they need to do each and every day. The first step to helping them regulate is to understand the facts and myths behind ADHD.

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Losing Your Cool: How to Emotionally Repair with your Child

Being a parent is hard and some moments are more challenging than others. You will have many moments you are proud of and some that make you cringe. When you feel that disdain and disappointment in your own actions, what should you do?

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Navigating Big Feelings Together

Kids are going to have big feelings. Whether they want to admit it or not, they still need so much help. Growing and developing is overwhelming, frustrating, and confusing for kids and parents alike, so how can you get through those tough moments together?

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